Seeker of the Universe by Marty
Marty Barigian
My unusual energy will manifest for you through visualization of your true destiny and goals.
In order to find true love you first need to find true self, and to find true self is energy, there is energy inside and outside our bodies.
Mission Statement
To offer universal loving light to everyone through counseling. Lovingly guide you to reach your own destiny. The ultimate goal with clients, become the best they can be and reach their ultimate destiny.
What to expect
Private Sessions
Intro Session: The Process guiding through healing personal Trauma.
When we heal your nervous system we heal the emotional body. When we heal the emotional body we heal the psychic (emphatic) body. Guide you through healing your psychic body. When we heal the psychic body we heal your vibrations. When your vibrations are healed, realities change. Vibrations are made up of energy, everything is energy. Marty is always working with the energy inside and outside your body.
Marty will discuss how she can help you. She will bring in universal guidance for you. You may ask questions of her, health, work, romance, blockages you are aware of etc...
Wear comfortable clothes, such as jogging pants, soft tee shirt and cotton sock’s. During this time she will introduce white loving healing light throughout your body. You will feel comfortable and love, while she releases stress and blockages.
Breathing techniques:
Marty will work with you on breathing that will help in unblocking your energy system. Sometimes you may get into what is called a “preconcious state” it will only last up to 15 seconds. During this time she is working with your spirit, and upper conscious mind to undo major blockages. You will feel the difference and you will feel the loving healing light.
Marty will go over with you what has just happened and you may ask questions at this time. She may work with you on upper conscious techniques, meditation, staying on the path.
Group Event Session
Bring in universal loving light and surround the room with energy and protection. Teach breathing in energy and breathing out negative energy. Marty will walk through breathing, standing, bending and siting. Touching them where the negative energy lies in that person and have them make a sound. The difference in the sound is amazing. Teaching the group to be in the moment. Have the audience break into two’s and tech them about energy. Bounce energy back and forth between each other, have them tell each other something that they do not want anyone else to know over and over again. Then coming back to a full group. End by filling each one with universal loving energy starting with toes and ending at the top of the head. All of this can take anywhere from 1.5 hours to 3 hours.
Remote Sessions
Remote Session with Marty. Blockages both external energy leakages and internal blockages. The Universe will guide Marty as she works on you individually. Marty will read your energy, electrical vibrations, fears and blockages. Report to you what she finds, jump start your energy flow, to remove blockages. Teach you how to live from your Heart in a state of True Self Love. Break free of habitual pattern Minimum of 3 months